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Up To $25 off Templeton MIR

SAVE $7 off (1), $10 off (2), $18 off (3) or $25 off (4) BY SCAN OR MAIL when you purchase 2 or more 750ml bottles of Templeton Rye (4YR or 6YR)

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Upload a Photo of Your Receipt

Take a picture of your original, store dated receipt with the product, price and purchase date clearly visible and upload in the area indicated below. Make sure the purchase price is circled. Purchase must be made between 9/1/2024 and 12/31/2024. If your receipt is too long, you can take multiple images of parts of your receipt.
Image format must be JPG, PNG, GIF, or single-page PDF.

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Infinium Spirits is a family-owned spirits company founded in 2005 known for igniting brands and accelerating performance in North America and International markets.

©Infinium Spirits, San Diego, CA. Please Enjoy Responsibly.